Home organizing

Are you thinking about decluttering and reorganizing your house? Imagine the headspace this could bring you! Are you burdened by the idea of where to start? In that case, you’ve come to the right place.
Maybe you got inspired by the popular American Netflix series of The Home Edit or the famous Japanese tidying guru Marie Kondo. No need to look any further; based in Amsterdam, I am here to help you to organize and create space.

What I can do for you

In this fast-paced world, it can be challenging to find balance and peace of mind. Coming home to a place where you can relax and unwind becomes evenmore important. By reorganizing your home, I can help you to create space so you can experience more time, energy and room for yourself and your family. 

Without any judgement, we discuss your family’s struggles, needs and goals. Based on your lifestyle, I offer custom made solutions to make daily life easier. With an eye for detail, I will create a sustainable system, easy to maintain and fit to your home and interior.